"My husband is miserable, I hope you can help". Leo's wife sent me a very passionate email.
I LOVE it when wives and partners contact me about Scalp Micropigmentation.
They tend to be very informed and of course, want the best for their partner.
Leo's wife is in the health and beauty industry and knew all of the modern techniques and was well versed in Scalp Micropigmentation. "He's a great looking guy" she emailed, "but since his hair has been thinning he's lost his confidence".
Leo and Maria came in for the initial consultation, they had a specific time frame as it was their wedding anniversary in a few weeks and wanted it done by then (no pressure guys!).
Leo has dark brown hair and so we went for a mid dark pigment and three sessions later we'd shaved years off his look and he was bouncing with confidence.
Interested in a consultation or booking?