How Much Should You Pay for a Hairpiece?

Mens Hair Patch, hair system, toupee, human hair wig, lace front, second skin, glue on hair. There are so many names for our non surgical hair loss solutions that clients need to wade through before even working out what is a fair price to pay.
Mens Hair pieces have made dramatic changes over the last decade. Most notably in fit, hair quality and most importantly, how we adhere or bond the hair piece to the scalp. We have moved from thicker based hair pieces that were sewn or clipped into a clients hair, then we moved to wonderful hair piece glue by companies like Walkers Adhesives and Pro Hair Labs, and now have strong double sided tape made specifically for hair pieces that can hold for uptown 30 days.
Replique founder, Scott Hickman, had his first hair piece in 1991 and it was over $2000, which is probably $5000 in todays currency. Since Replique opened in Brisbane in 2016, and then in Sydney, we have always strived to offer five star service at entry level prices and so have always offer him quality hair systems at our hair loss clinics for less than $1000.
Some of the older hair loss or hair replacement companies are still charging over $2000 for the same type of hair piece they have been supplying for years, instead of updating their hair system base types to the more modern styles. Why is this? Often they are large internationally companies and can’t compete with younger and more adroit businesses that are owners operated and able to adapt quickly to newer hair piece trends and customer demands.
Replique hairpieces are hand made and custom designed to our specifications that give a natural but durable base that’s incredible for Australian conditions. Many of our clients are in their early 20s and can’t afford $2000 per hair piece, so we are happy to offer all of our hand made hair pieces with luxury human hair for $800 plus a fitting fee and haircut fee. We are also happy to offer Zippy and Afterpay.
We're really proud to have opened our Melbourne location in 2022 and are happy to offer affordable, but high quality hair units. There is actually a company in Melbourne that sells hairpieces for over $8000.
These days there are cheaper alternatives online, and theses are, well, cheap for a reason. These online hair piece suppliers often supply inferior grade hair, that is machine sewn into the hairpieces and don’t have the shelf life that a hand made Replique Hair Piece can offer.
While losing your hair can be a bad experience, wearing a cheap or fake looking hair piece is often even worse. Our objective is to have friends, family and colleagues look at your eyes, not have their vision drawn up to a dodgy hairline or cheap looking hair replacement.
Replique have Hair Loss clinics in Melbourne and Sydney and we service clients from all around Australia. We have clients flying in from Perth, Canberra, Brisbane and Far North Queensland for an affordable, long lasting and natural looking hair piece that look amazing!