How much should Hair Loss Treatments Cost in Australia?
This is a popular question but first we should divide Tangible and Intangible hair loss solutions to give a clear picture. Tangible Hair...

Your New Hair Piece: Will You Get 12 Weeks or 12 Months from it?
How long will it last? This is one of the most frequent questions we are asked when we do a consultation for Replique Hair Pieces. We...

Replique Hair Loss Solutions that let You Fit In or Stand Out.
There are many hair loss solutions now available in Australia, from the invasive such as medication and surgery, to the low risk and high...

Top 7 Male Grooming Hacks for 2018
Look Great! Feel Confident! 7 Easy Ways to Improve your Looks, Health & Well Being from Replique Clinic, Experts in Male Anti-Aging &

Mail Order Hair Pieces, buy Local and Save Yourself Some Grief!
Online shopping is great but it can be fraught with uncertainty, disappointment and communication breakdowns, and it’s especially...