I actually have a lot of FIFO clients. These are guys that work hard and get to miss out on the finer things in life while they're on site. So when Aaron contacted me and said he had a couple of days off and wanted Scalp Micropigmentation done I knew I had to shuffle things and make it happen!
Normally I like to have my guys wait at least 72 hours between sessions, but Aaron is very young and healthy so we agreed to schedule three sessions, 24 hours apart, and if either of us had a worry about his skin, or any reaction, then we'd reassess the schedule.
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Aaron arrived bright and early, Im not sure what he was more excited about - getting the hair replacement service of his choice, Scalp Micropigmentation or the proximity to good restaurants (he'd been on site at the mine for a long time!).
Aaron is quite young and has a dark complexion, so we decided to use a dark pigment and designed a strong hairline and temples. Normally Im VERY conservative about hairlines, I like to be cautious then build in stronger definition once Im convinced my client is 100% happy but we were both on the same page about the presentation and so achieved a full and youthful hairline quite quickly.